• 1 апреля 2017, суббота
  • Москва, Васильевская улица д. 13

The Big Stand-Up Show

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2867 дней назад
1 апреля 2017 c 20:00 до 22:00
Васильевская улица д. 13

Стенд-ап на английском языке в самом сердце Москвы! Stand-up show in English in the heart of Moscow!

Привет, любители комедии!

Hello, comedy lovers! 

What is this?

1 апреля 2017 г. — в День Дурака, День Шуток — English Moscow Comedy проводит грандиозное Big Stand-Up Show.

За их плечами — три года выступлений в Москве и за рубежом. В этот раз наши местные международные комики представят вам свое самое длинное и смешное (гарантируем!) шоу, прямо в центре столицы!

On 1 April, International Fool’s day, your favourite Comedy Heroes are doing The Big Stand-up Show! 

After 3 years of hard work performing regularly on various stages around Moscow and traveling abroad to perform at foreign comedy clubs and festivals, your local international comedians are doing a full-lenght stand-up show in English, right in the center of Moscow!

Ведущий — Gleb Tugushev (Россия)
Host — 
Gleb Tugushev (Russia)

Son of Mother Russia and father Alexander. 
Born in the heart of Moscow, Gleb moved to Australia to study, where he spent five whole years, taking his first steps in stand-up.
Actively involved in comedy since then, Gleb has been hosting numerous shows and has regularly performed in Moscow, as well as in Australia, France, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Israel, Croatia and renowned international comedy festivals Edinburgh Fringe and PANČ Ljubljana.


Компанию ему составят:
Joined by:


Blake Brown / USA
Just your usual 6’6’’ Californian surfer dude working as a nanny in Moscow. Blake moved to Russia four years ago in search of love, and love he found indeed. Love for comedy.
He’s been actively doing stand-up in English for almost two years, and in Russian for a year, is a regular co-host at Capital FM radio station, and has perfomed all over Moscow, as well as biggest European comedy festival, Edinbourgh Fringe, in 2016.

Arun Khurana / India
Arun hasn’t lived a day in India. Wasn’t even born in India. But yet somehow calls himself an Indian.

He claims he got into comedy because his girlfriend left him, so he had nothing to do in the evenings. Yeah right Arun. Like you ever had a girlfriend.
Arun has been performing for more than two years in Moscow, is a regular panelist of The Humourhoids web show, and opened for Andrew Netto in Malaysia.

Cristiano Righi / Italy

Being an Italian, obviously, he is really fond of arts, music and… women! 
That is why 10 years ago he decided to move to Russia, where he can enjoy these 3 arts at the top level. In 2014, he decided to add one more: stand-up! 
He has been performing actively in English, Russian and Italian all over Europe, currently regularly hosting EMC shows and performing around Moscow, and is preparing a big solo show in Italy in May.

Igor Mondae / Croatia
Igor is a deserter, anti-patriot and a prodigal son, abandoning his country at it’s hardest.
As a comedian, Igor’s active for more than two and a half years; performing, hosting and organizing shows around Moscow. He is currently the regular host of the Funny Fridae, a two hour entertainment show in the center of Moscow. In addition, Igor hosted the shows on the EMC’s Balkan tour in 2016 (Slovenia/Croatia/Serbia), performed on first ever English stand-up show in Riga, opened for Craig Campbell in Moscow and Daniel-Ryan Spaulding in Zagreb, and acts as a regular panelist on The Humourhoids panel show.

Denis Nikolin / Russia
A real Russian man, Denis was born and raised in Moscow, but spent part of his youth living in Barcelona, where he encountered all the western stereotypes of Russian folk.
Already an established actor, Denis started doing comedy almost 3 years ago, and was one of the first English-speaking performers in Moscow. Besides his regular stand-up performances, Denis also hosts The Humourhoids panel show, in addition to appearing on TV.
He has performed in multiple venues across Moscow, as well as Stockholm, Berlin, Ljubljana, Osijek, Zagreb and Belgrade, and opened for Craig Campbell in November 2015.

Если вы никогда не видели их выступлений, приходите насладиться их лучшими шутками
Если же вы их уже видели, то приходите вновь посмеяться над лучшими моментами английского стэндапа в Москве!

If you’ve never seen them perform before, come and enjoy 90 minutes of their best jokes, or if you did — relive some of the biggest laughs and funniest moments of English stand-up in Moscow.

Трейлер выступления: 


How much is the ticket?

Цена билетов — от 400 руб!
Подробнее смотрите на схеме зала ниже.

Tickets starting from 400 rubles!
More info on the scheme below.


Where is it?

Дом Кино, Васильевская улица д. 13, Белый Зал (500 мест), м. Маяковская/Белорусская

(Дом Кино не продаёт наши билеты! Пожалуйста, не звоните им, обращайтесь по поводу билетов только к нам!)

Dom Kino, 13 Vasilyevskaya St. The White Hall, m. Mayakovskaya/Belorusskaya

White Hall — entrance from Vasilyevskaya (not the main entrance)

(Dom Kino does not sell tickets for this event, address any queries directly to English Moscow Comedy)

По любым вопросам звоните +7 (916) 512 30-93



(и это прекрасно =)

The show is completely in English. There will be no audio or visual translation. 
Please, make sure your English level will allow you to fully enjoy the show☺


P.S. Если вы все еще сомневаетесь — мы также организуем еженедельные бесплатные стенд-ап шоу на английском, которые вы можете посетить и познакомиться с нами поближе. Расписание в группах ВК и ФБ:


Приходите! (но для Big Stand-Up Show будет уникальный материал, которого там не увидеть  ;)

Brought to you by English Moscow Comedy


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